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In a DELF A2 course, learners can develop basic communication skills, allowing them to engage in simple and routine tasks that involve the direct exchange of information on familiar topics, such as introducing oneself, shopping, and ordering food. They will understand frequently used expressions related to areas of immediate relevance like basic personal and family information, local geography, and employment. Additionally, they will learn to read and comprehend short, simple texts such as advertisements, menus, and timetables. Writing skills are also enhanced, enabling learners to write short, simple notes and messages related to immediate needs and personal matters, like postcards and simple emails. Finally, students will be able to express personal opinions and preferences in simple terms, discussing likes, dislikes, and everyday activities.

What's included ?

Here’s a detailed DELF A2 course syllabus divided into four parts: Communication Topics, Grammar, Vocabulary, and Phonetics. This syllabus provides a comprehensive outline for a DELF A2 course, ensuring a balanced focus on communication, grammar, vocabulary, and phonetics.

Part 1: Communication Topics

Part 2: Grammar

1. Daily Life and Habits

   - Describing your daily routine and habits

   - Talking about past events and experiences

   - Describing future plans

2.Health and Fitness

   - Talking about health and illnesses

   - Describing symptoms and visiting a doctor

   - Discussing fitness routines and healthy living

3.Shopping and Services

   - Shopping for clothes and other items

   - Describing products and making complaints

   - Using services (bank, post office, etc.)

4. Leisure and Entertainment

   - Talking about movies, books, and music

   - Describing events and activities

   - Making suggestions and expressing preferences


1. Verbs and Tenses

   - Present tense of regular and irregular verbs

   - Past tenses: passé composé and imparfait

   - Future tense: futur proche and futur simple

2  Pronouns

   - Direct and indirect object pronouns (le, la, les, lui, leur)

   - Reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nous, vous, se)

   - Relative pronouns (qui, que, où)

3. Adverbs and Adjectives

   - Comparative and superlative forms

   - Placement of adverbs and adjectives

   - Frequency adverbs (toujours, souvent, rarement, etc.)

4. Prepositions and Conjunctions

   - Prepositions of time and place (avant, après, pendant, depuis, etc.)

   - Common conjunctions (et, mais, parce que, donc, etc.)

   - Using "y" and "en" pronouns

5. Complex Sentences

   - Forming questions with inversion

   - Using si clauses (if)

   - Expressing necessity and obligation (il faut, devoir)


Part 3: Vocabulary

Part 4: Phonetics

1. Personal Information and Relations

   - Talking about family and friends

   - Describing relationships and social interactions

   - Celebrations and special occasions

2. Travel and Tourism

   - Planning and describing trips

   - Booking accommodation and transportation

   - Talking about tourist attractions and activities

3. Food and Meals

   - Describing meals and recipes

   - Talking about eating habits and dietary preferences

   - Visiting restaurants and cafes

4. Work and Education

   - Describing your job and workplace

   - Talking about studies and educational background

   - Discussing future career plans



1. Pronunciation Practice

   - Advanced vowel and consonant sounds

   - Pronouncing liaisons and elisions correctly

   - Stress and rhythm in complex sentences

2. Listening and Speaking

   - Listening to and understanding longer dialogues

   - Practicing pronunciation through role-plays

   - Engaging in conversations on various topics

3. Intonation and Stress Patterns

   - Practicing different intonation patterns for statements, questions, and exclamations

   - Stress patterns in compound and complex sentences

4. Oral Comprehension and Expression

   - Developing listening skills through audio exercises

   - Practicing oral expression with dialogues and presentations

   - Improving fluency and accuracy in spoken French


Short overview of DELF A2 Structure

Detailed Syllabus Breakdown

Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l’oral)

Tasks: Understanding simple, everyday conversations and announcements.

Skills: Recognizing familiar words and basic phrases related to areas of most immediate relevance.


Reading Comprehension

Types of texts: Short texts like postcards, simple emails, advertisements.

Content: Everyday life topics, routine information.

Skills: Extracting specific details, understanding the general meaning of simple texts.


Writing Production (Production écrite)

Tasks: Writing short, simple notes, messages, and letters.

Skills: Writing about oneself, expressing needs and desires, composing short texts on familiar topics.


Speaking Production (Production orale)

Tasks: Participating in a short conversation, asking and answering questions, describing in simple terms aspects of their background.

Skills: Using simple phrases and sentences to describe people, places, and daily activities.

Listening Comprehension

Types of texts: Short dialogues, simple public announcements, instructions.

Content: Basic information about personal and family matters, shopping, local area, and work.

Skills: Understanding essential information, identifying key points in short, clear messages.

Reading Comprehension

Types of texts: Short texts like postcards, simple emails, advertisements.

Content: Everyday life topics, routine information.

Skills: Extracting specific details, understanding the general meaning of simple texts.


Writing Production

Tasks: Writing messages and short letters, completing forms.

Skills: Constructing simple sentences, using connectors like "and," "but," "because," describing personal experiences and events.


Speaking Production

Part 1: Guided interview (answering questions about oneself).

Part 2: Exchange of information (asking and answering questions about familiar topics).

Part 3: Role-play (simulating a simple interaction).

Skills: Pronunciation, basic interaction skills, using familiar expressions and phrases to convey information