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1. Thorough video tutorials on foundational French grammar and sentence structure.

2. Instructions by Francophone language specialists.

3. Options for adaptable learning.

4. Emphasis on mastering tricky French pronunciation.

5. Fundamental conversational skills.

6. Achieve fluency with our progressive French instructional videos.

7. Assessment included.


What's included

The learner will learn French from scratch at this basic level which is called the Discovery stag. The learner xcan interact in a simple way. Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basics phrases to indulge in a day-to-day French conversation. The learner can introduce himself/ herself to other. After this basics level, one can ask and answer questions about personal details.


Part 1: Communication Topics


1. Greetings and Introductions

   - Saying hello and goodbye

   - Introducing yourself and others

   - Asking and giving personal information (name, age, nationality, profession)

   - Formal vs. informal address (tu vs. vous)

2. Daily Activities

   - Talking about your daily routine

   - Expressing likes and dislikes

   - Talking about hobbies and interests

   - Asking about and describing weather

3. Shopping and Food

   - Shopping for groceries

   - Ordering food and drinks in a café or restaurant

   - Asking about prices and quantities

   - Describing food preferences and dietary restrictions

4. Directions and Transportation

   - Asking for and giving directions

   - Using public transportation (buying tickets, asking for schedules)

   - Talking about travel plans and means of transportation


Part 2: Grammar


1. Nouns and Articles

   - Gender (masculine and feminine)

   - Singular and plural forms

   - Definite and indefinite articles (le, la, les, un, une, des)

2. Basic Sentence Structure

   - Subject pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils, elles)

   - Simple present tense of regular -er verbs (e.g., parler, aimer)

   - Forming negative sentences (ne...pas)

3. Adjectives

   - Agreement with gender and number

   - Common descriptive adjectives (grand, petit, beau, etc.)

4. Verbs and Tenses

   - Present tense of key irregular verbs (être, avoir, aller, faire)

   - Introduction to near future (aller + infinitive)

   - Imperatives (commands)

5. Prepositions

   - Prepositions of place (à, en, au, aux, sur, sous, etc.)

   - Prepositions with geographical names


 Part 3: Vocabulary


1. Personal Information and Family

   - Family members and relationships

   - Describing people (physical appearance, personality traits)

2. Home and Environment

   - Rooms and furniture

   - Common household items

   - Describing your home and neighborhood

3. Numbers, Dates, and Time

   - Numbers 0-100

   - Days of the week, months, seasons

   - Telling time

4. Common Activities and Hobbies

   - Sports, music, arts

   - Leisure activities and pastimes


Part 4: Phonetics


1. Basic Sounds and Pronunciation

   - Vowel sounds (é, è, e, a, i, o, u)

   - Nasal sounds (an, en, in, on, un)

   - Consonant sounds (c, g, h, j, r, etc.)

2. Intonation and Stress

   - Sentence intonation patterns (questions, statements)

   - Stress and rhythm in French sentences

3. Liaison and Elision

   - Rules for linking words (liaison)

   - Dropping final consonants before vowels (elision)

4. Listening and Speaking Practice

   - Listening to simple dialogues and repeating

   - Practicing pronunciation with common phrases

   - Role-playing everyday situations


Short overview of the DELF A1

Detailed Syllabus  of the DELF A1

1. Listening Comprehension (Compréhension de l’oral)

Tasks: Understanding simple, everyday conversations and instructions.

Skills: Recognizing familiar words and basic phrases concerning the immediate surroundings.


2. Reading Comprehension (Compréhension des écrits)

Tasks: Reading and understanding short, simple texts (e.g., notices, instructions, and advertisements).

Skills: Identifying familiar names, words, and basic sentences.


3. Writing Production (Production écrite)

Tasks: Writing short, simple texts (e.g., postcards, messages).

Skills: Filling in forms with personal details, writing simple phrases and sentences about oneself and others.



4. Speaking Production (Production orale)

Tasks: Engaging in a simple conversation, introducing oneself, and answering basic questions.

Skills: Using simple phrases and sentences to describe oneself, where one lives, and people one knows.



1. Listening Comprehension

Types of texts: Short dialogues, announcements, simple instructions.

Content: Basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, and employment.

Skills: Understanding familiar words and basic expressions.


2. Reading Comprehension

Types of texts: Simple signs, posters, catalogues.

Content: Very short, simple texts related to everyday life.

Skills: Identifying the main message and specific details.


3. Writing Production

Tasks: Writing simple, short notes and messages (e.g., a postcard or a note to a friend).

Skills: Using basic connectors, writing simple phrases about personal details.


4. Speaking Production

Part 1: Guided interview (introducing oneself).

Part 2: Exchange of information (asking and answering simple questions).

Part 3: Role-play (interacting in a simple, predictable situation).

Skills: Pronunciation, basic sentence construction, using familiar expressions and simple phrases.